
Jeremiah the 24th book of the Bible – is one of the longest books of the Old Testament. The basic thrust of Jeremiah’s ministry is two-fold. Initially, he seeks to bring his people to a state of repentance (7:2-7). If Judah will turn back to God, she can avoid the horrible destruction that looms like a dark cloud on the horizon (the Babylonian invasion). Eventually, though, it became apparent that the people had no intention of abandoning their apostasy. Accordingly, it was Jeremiah’s sad task to warn them of the approaching destruction (21:1-10). He informed them that this catastrophe was a judgment from God. They must submit to it and take their punishment. It was this message that provoked livid anger in the Jews. Jeremiah was viewed as a traitor and persecuted more intensely than any other Hebrew prophet ever had been.

God’s Omniscience

The book stresses the omniscience of God. In his foreknowledge, Jehovah knew the character of the prophet, and his fitness for the job, even before he was formed in the womb. The creator will always respect our freedom of choice; yet, he knows. He is God!

God Empowers the Servant

When one is willing to be used by God can take his weaknesses and turn them into strengths. Jeremiah was a timid, sensitive youth who initially shrunk from the awesome responsibility with which he was challenged. But he became one of the Lord’s greatest, most courageous men.

Remember Your Vows

When one forsakes his covenant vows to God, and pursues religious activity not sanctioned by him, he has committed a grievous evil. He must abandon the false and return to the true.

God Hates the Superficial

External religion, without true devotion of heart, is worthless. Shallow formalism makes the Lord sick.

True Repentance

Genuine repentance requires a cessation of evil and a turning to God. Either one without the other is void.

The High Price of Sin

Sin extracts a high price. It ruins internally, externally, and eternally.

Jehovah Will Be Victorious

God’s righteous cause will eventually triumph over evil. Truth pressed to the ground will rise again.

Jesus Is the Only Hope

The only hope for the world is through the Messiah and his new covenant system.

Expect Persecution

Those who uncompromisingly proclaim God’s truth, refusing to condone evil, will suffer persecution.

Judgment Day Will Come

Every man will ultimately have to stand before the Judge of the Universe and give an account for his life.